Jaluit Airport Marshall Islands airports - Jaluit Airport
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Jaluit Airport

Jaluit Airport is a public use airstrip located one nautical mile (1.85 km) southeast of the village of Jabor on Jaluit Atoll, Marshall Islands. This airstrip is assigned the location identifier N55 by the FAA and UIT by the IATA.

Jaluit Airport
  • ICAO: none
  • FAA LID: N55
Serves Jabor, Jaluit Atoll, Marshall Islands
Elevation AMSL 4 ft / 1 m
Coordinates 05°54′33″N

Jaluit Airport

Direction Length Surface
ft m
03/21 5,000 1,524 Gravel
Source: Federal Aviation Administration


Jaluit Airport is at an elevation of 4 feet (1.2 m) above mean sea level. The runway is designated 03/21 with a gravel surface measuring 5,000 by 60 feet (1,524 x 18 m). There are no aircraft based at Jaluit.

Airlines and destinations

Airlines Destinations
Air Marshall Islands Majuro, Mili

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