Catoca Airport Angola airports - Catoca Airport
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Catoca Airport

Catoca Airport is an airport in the Lunda Sul Province of Angola. It serves the Catoca diamond mine.

The runway is 26 kilometres (16 mi) north of the city of Saurimo, and is 17 nautical miles from the Saurimo VOR-DME (Ident: VSA), located on the Saurimo Airport.

The runway had recently been asphalted by Fidens under contract to the Catoca Mine. The usable runway had been shortened slightly and receives twice weekly flights from Luanda by TAAG Angolan Airlines on a Monday and a Friday. While these flights are operated by TAAG, they are charter flights reserved for Catoca Mine employees only.

Catoca Airport
Saurimo North Airport
  • IATA: none
  • ICAO: none
Airport type Public
Serves Catoca diamond mine
Elevation AMSL 3,498 ft / 1,066 m
Coordinates 9°25′45″S

Catoca Airport

Location of the airport in Angola

Direction Length Surface
m ft
17/35 2,415 7,923 Asphalt
Source: Google Maps

Former flights

Airlines Destinations
TAAG Angolan Airlines Luanda

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